We've been a bit busy with IRL stuff - but we'll get back to adding more features to desoguard soon. But thanks to everyone doing the micro-contributions into our OpenFund Round and also those continuing to use desoguard.com and sharing feedback.
@fisnikee and top-ups from @Silto_Nascao and @avrce

Do bots have low karma?
I've got 19k. Is that good or bad? In my religion, we don't have karma. I was wondering what yours signifies.
"calculated based on quantity, value and quality of diamonds received by a user."
Grinding is the key to success here in Deso?
Making money is the Focus here in Deso?
Quantity= likes, reposting, using AI for banal comments, etc.?
Not sure how you calculate 'value and quality' of diamonds received? How does that work?