Thanks for the contribution @darian_parrish @degen_doge @Silto_Nascao and @fisnikee
If you haven't checked your DMs, do so to be able to test our new DeSoGuard diamond clone, and @fisnikee if you top up with another 1k tokens, you'll get access too (3k total needed)!

We just opened a new round on OpenFund.
We are calling it Round 4 - Bot Attack since this round will be to help us accelerate our launch of a front-end where you can not only ignore bots, but can also have a safer investment experience by checking if an account is a scam account or not before buying it.
We're aiming to raise $5K - I guess 100-150 new users joining in to check this new experience out should be doable.
Help us spread the word. And yes, you buy 3000 Tokens (30$ only) and you can get early access to this experience.