Always great to write down thesis and many points to discuss.
In this comment I'll just discuss risk/reward. In general with social - we know risk = very high and reward = very high so ratio is very high/very high. Still an asymmetric bet because max risk as an investor is zero(unless leveraged) and upside is unbounded.
Now, the main question is if the current team actions/plan increases/decreases risk or reward.
I would say that the more generalized infrastructure approach decreases the risk of $DESO going to zero but increases the risk of not hitting a home run(most home runs start with very specific high-demand use cases). Another way to say this last "increase risk" part is decreasing the reward.
So the ratio components have changed to high/high instead of very high/very high, but the ratio "number" hasn't changed.
So does this change the thesis? A bit because it puts it in a different bucket for me. The goal for the investment is different now that it is even more of an infrastructure play... value will accrue to it first but more of the value will be captured by the app layer in the long run. Want to be early on $DESO but will need get into the future top apps to experience its full potential for investment return.
This wasn't the case when the blockchain and the primary social app were essentially the same, even though it was always an L1 with the potential for many other successful apps. Now it relies more on these other apps for adoption.