Here's the math for value of #bitcoin in any fiat
C is confidence in fiat, because that what its backed by
tends to infinity

Today, the entire market cap of crypto is $2.6 Trillion, and BTC is half that ($1.3 Trillion).
If you believe in the Saylor school-of-thought in which BTC is better Gold, then one must believe that at some point BTC will be >$16 Trillion.
If extrapolated at that same ratio, such a feat would mean that the entire market cap of crypto can surpass >$32 Trillion (assuming you believe BTC is digital gold).
Then the only thing you need to do is 1) stack up on BTC and 2) stack up on ultra high-conviction plays that you know have the highest likelihood of survival until the gap between BTC & Gold becomes smaller, and eventually it flips — which could happen during your lifetime, or your grand-kids.
It's pretty simple.