@Squadz Beta Testers:
Just a quick note: Please sign up to Squadz before you log in.
We will try and simplify the process. Maybe Sign Up a User if they are not Signed Up and Log them in.

Sent you a DM on Twitter about a bug, I couldn’t log in!
On Arena, BlueSky and Twitter these animated NFTz are on autorepeat mode by default, which is real cool!
Hope to see the same on @NFTz, @DeSocialWorld and $FOCUS soon!!
They are madly in love🤙
On Arena, BlueSky and Twitter these animated NFTz are on autorepeat mode by default, which is real cool!
Hope to see the same on @NFTz, @DeSocialWorld and $FOCUS soon!!
They are madly in love🤙
On Arena, BlueSky and Twitter these animated NFTz are on autorepeat mode by default, which is real cool!
Hope to see the same on @NFTz, @DeSocialWorld and $FOCUS soon!!
They are madly in love🤙