I don't think this is correct @VishalGulia ... @Randhir is right. The Market Cap is determined only by the sell-price. It is inaccurate for sure. Your suggestion on how price has to be determined is correct, but that's not how @openfund does it.
Just to confirm, I cleared your two buy orders and the market cap remained close to the 0.03084 price, not the average like you suggested.
@leojay - If you look at @DeSoHive, you will see that the DESO price that OpenFund is using is around 14$.

No, the Openfund price is determined by taking the middle price between the lowest selling order price and the highest buying order price. A day or two ago, someone executed a market sell order for quite a few Openfund tokens, causing a significant gap between the buying and selling orders. As per the usual practice, Openfund calculated its price using the mentioned formula.
Subsequently, I decided to experiment and placed a buying order for 1 Openfund just below the lowest selling order. This action artificially inflated the average price it took :)