What is the project @SafetyNet ?
It is a community project set up by members of @TheDC
The project has the following objectives:
1. Strengthening the @Deso blockchain
HOW?: We will provide a minimum of three extra servers (nodes / validators) to the @Deso blockchain.
WHO?: The community will own these servers. No person has solo control. By this, YOU ALL will be owning these servers (if you join our communal moment)
WHY?: By providing these servers, we will make sure the chain will be more stable, secure and resilient. No single server will provide services. No single person or centralised entity owns the server /hardware. No single person or entity owns the supporting funds. By these facts, the project @SafetyNet will assure ALL community members can always use @Deso even when if all other servers go down.
2. Transparency
HOW?: We will keep you updated and informed about all activities.
We will keep a ledger of our costs (payment for servers our work will be free atm) and incomes (for now our team money and donations).
We will keep you informed as well as possible about the execution of the project. Furthermore, we will make an effort to inform the community (targeted at technical and non-technical people) about what we are and will be doing.
WHO?: You are our community members, fiends, and we will treat you as valued customers to be cherished. We will communicate transparently to you at all time. We will be frequent, engaging and understandable in our communication.
WHY?: YOU have to carry our project, we have no project without you! If we are transparent with you, we hope and believe you will discover the @SafetyNet project is worth your support and possibly your financial support.
3. Collaboration with the community members, developers, node runners, server owners, validators and application owners
HOW?: We want to openly communicate and engage with ALL parties involved with @deso. We want to form alliances and communication platforms between all parties involved.
Working transparently together, we will get further and gain trust in and outside of @Deso
WHO? We @TheDC members in the @SafetyNet will actively pursue communication with all parties involved with @Deso.
Why?: We want to gain more communication going in the @Deso "sphere". The communications between community members, developers, node runners, server owners, validators and application owners has to be improved. Especially the communication top down has to be improved. As community members our selves, we feel there is much room for improvement
4. Adding value to @DeSo
HOW?: We want to ask all parties actively for input, critique and Ideas for the operation of nodes, servers, validators and applications on @Deso.
WHO?: We, the members of the @safetynet project people and @TheDC in general, will try to round up all thoughts from the entire community passively and actively.
WHY?: Many opportunities in @Deso are overlooked or side stepped because there is little communal engagement between community members, developers, node runners, server owners, validators and application owners. This situation can be improved upon.
I hope you found this post somewhat informative. We would as the @safetynet project group appreciate your critique, suggestions, additions and comment on:
1 This text (is written bad, oke, so-so, great)
2. It's content
3. It's meaning to you
4. What do you want in relation to our project?
With kind regards,
@TheDC @SafetyNet
Contact us please, Your questions will be picked up quickly.
Leave your comments please, and a REPOST would be very nice🌹🌹🌹