Astronomy & Observing News – Sky & Telescope New Data Hint at Changing Dark Energy — and a Different Cosmic Fate
New data hint that dark energy is weakening over time. If true, it means that our most trusted cosmological models may be wrong.
The post New Data Hint at Changing Dark Energy — and a Different Cosmic Fate appeared first on Sky & Telescope.
December 32; only two lights, no red; no rails; also lights too far from crossing
The tram can’t function, where are the passengers? the light misses red, the date is reversed..
• The cube on top of the tram is full of hydrogen: a Health & Safety disaster waiting to happen.
• The billboard advertising the football tournament in December in the year 2032 has poor colour contrast. Red text on a green background? Yikes!
• An office worker in the blue building prepared their lunch last night but forgot to bring it with them today. It’s still in the fridge!
• The driver of the blue car thinks the 100% bonus on @FOCUS_reservations will last all month.
Managed 3!