Focus is key.
Hey sry been busy elsewhere and not logging in. No plan for Stori as zero funding so it’s been shelved. Shame but timing was off.
@paulmp lists the biggest problem on DESO Nodes today. I've been saying this since May 2021 (Can produce the posts if anyone doubts it).
Who is fixing this? Should we collaborate and do this sooner? What are your ideas and suggestions for doing so?
@zordon - Is there anything you are working on to solve this?
Idea #1: Hashtags
@Overclout - They are implementing hashtags, but they have other more basic pieces that they are still fixing. What I have heard is a March launch?
@pearl @Stori - Hoping something great comes out of here.

💥 Randhir Hebbar aka @Randhir // Building Creatiers - The Fiverr of DeSo // Who's Got Clout Season 3 Episode 4 💥
🤘 @Randhir is a Serial Entrepreneur with over 20+ years of consulting experience working with large brands like GAP, Nordstrom, Dell, BestBuy, Walmart among others.
🔥💜🙌🏼 In his latest role, he's a founder of a multi-million dollar data analytics consulting startup with a team of 100+ associates.
💚🚀🤘 His specialization is in #digitalanalytics for #ecommerce brands and building #analytics #products and he's most recently been building @CreaTiers - The Fiverr of DESO.
😮🤯 @CreaTiers is the platform for talents, creators & freelancers who can be found by Clients through getting unique experience via Web3 & Decentralized Social tools.
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👉 "Who's Got Clout" Podcast Season 3 Episodes airing every Thursday at 8 pm EST.
🔥Hindi now available for community validation on our test site 🔥
With 615 million people speaking Hindi, and quite some @deso users from India, translating our site into Hindi was a no-brainer. After community validation, we will release the translation to @DeSocialWorld
@NagardasHingu @MrPreet @Randhir and tagging the people living in India found on @desogeo: @VishalGulia @nileshborana @makai @BitClout_Artist @ItsAditya @Mithil
@rajmal @nandubatchu @boostme @Natashaxo @amoghgopadi @Nitishn @NimalYas
DM us if you want and can help with the community validation of our Hindi translation.
हिंदी अब हमारे परीक्षण स्थल पर सामुदायिक सत्यापन के लिए उपलब्ध है
61.5 करोड़ लोगों के हिंदी बोलने और भारत के कुछ @deso उपयोगकर्ताओं के साथ, हमारी साइट का हिंदी में अनुवाद करना कोई ब्रेनर नहीं था। समुदाय सत्यापन के बाद, हम अनुवाद को @DeSocialWorld . पर जारी करेंगे
यदि आप चाहें तो हमें डीएम करें और हमारे हिंदी अनुवाद के सामुदायिक सत्यापन में मदद कर सकते हैं।

"I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”
The hard days are what makes you stronger.
Keep yourself motivated and keep grinding.
📍Western ghats, India
Posted via @cloutfeed @PostaN @BitActive

ISO talented Creators? 👀 Look no further! We got ‘em at 👊
Skill offers going up for hire! If you’re a creator and haven’t set yours up yet go to and get it done ✅
Excited to see the offers going up. We ask the DeSo community to please utilize these amazing creators and support one another. Spread the word, repost, hire, and let’s continue to build up the DeSo community of Creators! 💪🏻
Discord link ->
@scottscoin @Randhir @JeffHawkins
@AlexValaitis @nader @meghanvita
Posted via @cloutfeed

Two ppl sometimes even after loving each other unconditionally are not together due to being stupid in their approach
I still wanted to do this as a giveaway and bring in some luck factor. :-)
Based on the Investors who lost the most from the recent sells other than me (of course), I've added some weightage to the investors and generated a random # between 0 and 100 to get a split of the coins.
I'll do more of these to reward those who have engaged most with my content, those who've invested most & provide early access to invest in coin sales of my projects.

Does look like these are the ones who met the criteria of Buy/Hold 0.1 + Reclout/Quote-Reclout. Did I miss any names? Maybe I split the giveaway across the names that met the criteria. :-)
=== Qualified:
- bhagyasri
- Scottscoin
- amoghgopadi
- DiamondClout
- Kenyony
- BitcloutMusic60s70s80s
=== Bought, but did not reclout (leaning towards at least including Gregory considering he bought before the dip.
- mashelenn
- Gregory_Akerman
- Darian_Parrish
- Peaking
- Sidz
PS: There were others that held but didn't reclout and hence missed out. Pays to follow Randhir. ;-)