I still wanted to do this as a giveaway and bring in some luck factor. :-)
Based on the Investors who lost the most from the recent sells other than me (of course), I've added some weightage to the investors and generated a random # between 0 and 100 to get a split of the coins.
I'll do more of these to reward those who have engaged most with my content, those who've invested most & provide early access to invest in coin sales of my projects.

Does look like these are the ones who met the criteria of Buy/Hold 0.1 + Reclout/Quote-Reclout. Did I miss any names? Maybe I split the giveaway across the names that met the criteria. :-)
=== Qualified:
- bhagyasri
- Scottscoin
- amoghgopadi
- DiamondClout
- Kenyony
- BitcloutMusic60s70s80s
=== Bought, but did not reclout (leaning towards at least including Gregory considering he bought before the dip.
- mashelenn
- Gregory_Akerman
- Darian_Parrish
- Peaking
- Sidz
PS: There were others that held but didn't reclout and hence missed out. Pays to follow Randhir. ;-)
Celebrating 4K Followers with a Coin Giveaway + Diamonds.
I will give-away 0.2 Coin (~40$ worth) in 4 days
- Buy / Top-Up & Hold 0.1 Coin & Repost to be a part of giveaway
- OR just Repost / Quote for 💎s
People who can qualify by just reposting this: @bhagyasri @Dario_Ryu_Alioto @FreeTrade @JeffHawkins @scottscoin @JDArmstrong @manu @DiamondClout @BitCloutMusic60s70s80s @TrafficCaptain
@korobox @jakeudell @mashelenn @cnzpll @Ribal @zoobie @alexparrillo @amoghgopadi @TheBigTuna
Will use RaffleMachine (Weighted) - Hold more to increase chances.