
Greetings DeSo fam:

I haven’t posted in a while (this seems to be the narrative in all my recent posts) so I hope everyone is well.

I am not returning, since I never left. I’m here regularly lurking in the comments.

Not much to report today. I did, however spend most of the weekend painting. It’s something I used to do years ago and got back into earlier this year.

While I do have a creative side, I tend to keep it hidden from most of the world. I feel uncomfortably vulnerable sharing creative works since they are so personal…and I question whether I have any talent (this is not an actual question I’m interested in having anyone answer 😂)

But in an attempt to continue my 2022 trend of living eons outside my comfort zone, here is the painting I worked on.

I don’t think the colors and textures translate well in a photo but for anyone interested, it’s acrylic (mixed with molding paste) applied almost entirely within a small pallet knife and a putty knife.

It’s inspired by photos of butterflies and flowers I took last year 😊 Typically I paint very abstract designs (I might share photos of past works at a later date) but I decided to attempt something a little more lifelike.

Happy Monday (or Tuesday if you live in the future)

And Happy Birthday @StarGeezer

#TTDT I figured you should get to see this side of me @Goldberry @StarGeezer @mcmarsh @vampirecampfire @JDArmstrong @PeaKing @Randhir
