Our weekly @SafetyNet meeting is this evening. Please join us🚀🛡️
Meeting Details:
• Date: Sunday, February 9nd, 2025
• Time: 20:00CET
• Attendees (listed below):
1. Opening
2. Confirming Previous Meeting Minutes
3. Meeting & Greeting New Attendees
4. Finances on ramp
5. Server Status Reports (Validator, Consensus, Tech and Oracle)
• DB optimalization is needed. @moggel could possibly be of assistance.
6. Legal Entity Update
• @carry2web notary is underway in February
• Foundation draft will be made within four weeks (last week, Feb.)
7. Focus launch
There are numerous concerns at the quality of Focus both in functionality, software design and stability.
8. Whatever comes to the table
Storage WP will be drafted
9. Closing
@stargeezer, @ouwepiet, @diamondthumb, @nathanwells, @carry2web, @LeilaThigpen, @thisdayinmusichistory, @elizabethtubbs, @octavie, @stevonagy, @that70srobot, @a_bloke, @studio_richards @mcmarsh, @arnoudvanderplas, @1dolinski, @edokoevoet, @erwinwillems, @mvanhalen, @nftvanhalen, @metaphilosopher @nader @mossified

Thanks mate, also for the shower 🙏