
Where do you find this "toxic group" of users? Most such users have left (at least for now).

Not sure if I am in that category. But, at some point in the last year or so, my perspective has changed and I've realized that if I think of this project and team as someone building a centralized Web2 project, the updates they share and the feedback they gave are truly a breath of fresh air.

There is an occasional talk about Web3 and involving other teams to build on DESO (like Nader's recent Reddit proposal), but then, they barely engage with the teams that do respond including our project (@Squadz). So, at times, it becomes a bit uncertain if this is because they are busy or because they don't trust these teams to deliver or they just have missed the post.

For me, this is the biggest red flag that might get me to change my belief in DESO combined with what I've seen as the core team's struggling to build and market a killer product on their own.

Having said all that, I am still looking at this as a 0/1000 bet and have around 15-25% of my crypto portfolio and potentially 2-4% of my net worth in DESO. Depending on how the proposals are executed upon, I might reduce my exposure or maybe even increase it.

Wait and Watch Mode for me.

PS: Love the details of your investment thesis. Is there a set format you start with to ensure that you look at it from all perspectives and also don't let your biases creep into it.


I think "toxic" was too strong of a word. Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe frustrated is a better word choice.

My view on supporting third party projects is that they are encouraged but will not (and should not) be supported either financially or with time from the central team until the project has proven it can bring users on its own.

If they supported every team with an idea, the treasury would be drained quickly and their time would be spread too thin.

I don't have a set format for my investment theses, but I should. I'm going to this about how to be implement this! Thanks for the suggestion.

I think biases are actually ok to have when investing as long as you are aware of them, open to changing them, and revisit them on regular intervals. Strong opinions, loosely held. Biases are what allow you to make concentrated bets on something like deso. You need a pretty strong world view bias to put a significant amount of your net worth in crypto in general.