
# Focus Staked Coins Returned to Investors

As I mentioned in the Group Chat for my Top Holders, I have just returned the Creator Coins of all those who had staked their Creator Coins with me and allowed me to use it to Reserve Focus Tokens. As those tokens vest (in @RandhirStakingWallet), they will be used to reward $Randhir holders and this will be above any other rewards holders of $Randhir CC get from Focus and DESO.

Thanks for the trust and I still need to buy back around ~12 coins to get back the coin to the Pre-Focus levels ... but I will make that decision and purchase depending on my CCv2 strategy and I will be in touch with all of you.

I will also lower the FR soon once I figure out what % makes sense given that there is a significant repurchase still pending.

PS: It just makes sense to hold given that we are so close to launch.

@Bhagyasri @Gatucu @CivilEngineer @ThisDayInMusicHistory @Homey @Johan_Holmberg @FedeDM @studio_richards @nikolaiii @StubbornDad @darian_parrish @CompDec @MANRIKPHOTO @Twinstars @Peeboy17 @BKPOWER8 @Procrustes @ElrickErikose @jodybossert @DonBarnhart @NFTLegacy @bidaskspread @qtnyc @AlanDalton @houseofseb
