The bots farming these contests are hilarious. OK. I admit. They may not be bots but real people who could do with an extra 5$. e.g. In India, you could feed a family of 5 a decent meal with 5$.
@nader and anyone else running these contests: I think it's better to say the best 30 responses in 24 hours instead of the first 30 responses. That way, they at least do what you need them to do for earning the 5$.
Many of the responses here were "Perfect Sir, No Problem". Anyone who has some knowledge on UX will tell you that there is no perfect UX and Desofy with its Seed-phrase based sign-up still has a problem for the common user.
We were also discussing this in the #TTDT chat. So tagging them here.
All, we’ve been working with @Ribal at @desofy to improve the onboarding experience, and his latest changes make it much easier to get started!
To help him out, try this onboarding challenge with someone you know, and give Ribal as much feedback as you can for 💎💎💎💎💎($5):
* Find someone who hasn’t joined DeSo yet. Could be a coworker or family member.
* Have them onboard onto Desofy. See where they get stuck if at all.
* After they’re onboarded, have them post a selfie pic of the two of you via Desofy.
* Reply to this post with your experience and a link to their selfie pic for 💎💎💎💎💎 ($5).
I’ll do it for first 30 people who reply :)
Posted via @desofy