There were too many entries and making a video would have taken too long. Therefore, I'm giving everyone who participated a $0.25 Diamond Tip. We got a lot more participation than I anticipated. Thank you!
Earn Diamonds & Have Some St. Patrick's Day Fun
Let's create a St. Patty's Day Collage of how the $Debevic community celebrates St. Patrick's day.
How It Works:
- Repost this post
- Put a picture in the comments of how you see St. Patrick's day. Maybe it's green food, beer, wearing green, or corned beef and cabbage. It can be funny or serious. Anything that you associate with St. Patricks Day.
- I will create a collage and post a link to it on this post. If you have submitted a photo and repost and comment on the collage post, you will get $0.01 Diamonds for submitting a pic and $0.25 Diamonds for viewing the show.
- One entry per person.
Let's try to get as many people involved so that we can build a massive collage and distribute a lot of Diamonds.
Live today as if it were your last day, oblivion is scary but nothing is scarier than not having lived our life to the fullest!
One day or day one.
Be positive what have done one day you will get fruits
What ever is GOOD for your soul...
Me and my daughters were getting ready to go ride in Alaska ❄️🥶🧊☃️😁😉😜

Live today as if it were your last day, oblivion is scary but nothing is scarier than not having lived our life to the fullest!
One day or day one.
Be positive what have done one day you will get fruits
What ever is GOOD for your soul...
Me and my daughters were getting ready to go ride in Alaska ❄️🥶🧊☃️😁😉😜