Special order office "art"

Women in web3

Right ๐ฏ
@nader i'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.
Are you going to pretend the Krassensteins were not your biggest cheerleaders and community wranglers or will you own up to the fact that you are as loose as a goose?
@Krassenstein - We are all grateful for the effort and time you put into the inspiring messages and daily videos. You guys are awesome, and I really hope this is only a temporary phase..๐
@nader -
This is a sad post to read. The biggest cheerleader is now limiting their presence on the platform. What else needs to happen for the team to consider the platform's current situation?๐ฑ๐
I think you guys might have been my last reason to visit this platform...thank you for all your hard work here. YOU guys kept the community spirit alive. And i reiterate...YOU GUYS did that. None of the core.
Dear DeSo Community
The past 679 days that we have spent on Deso have been a tremendous experience. Weโve met so many great people, learned so much about blockchain technology, and interacted with so many great projects, teams, and entrepreneurs. In addition to the amazing community, we were fortunate enough to receive Octane Funding to build NFTz.me with our amazing team.
Everyone from the DeSo core team to the OGs who only stuck around for a few weeks, made an impact on us in a mostly positive way. People would often ask us how we remained so consistent on DeSo despite our videos only receiving 75 - 200 views each. We were able to do so because we truly believed that DeSo could make a positive impact in the world. We believed that being consistent would reward us in the long run. After all, researching the daily happenings of Deso made us pseudo-experts on the technology and the community at hand. We believed that this would be of great benefit if Deso were to hit it big and go mainstream. At the same time, we thoroughly enjoyed doing what we were doing.
We spent several hours a day gathering news, writing our outlines, recording our videos and then editing them. Every morning from 6:30 AM - 10:15AM or so, we would be heads-down working on our videos because we felt it was important for the community to be able to quickly and easily get a recap of that dayโs Deso news. The rest of the day would be spent working with our team at NFTz, talking to community members about improvements we needed to make, and providing our team with feedback on the development of our app. Our full-time job, you could say, has been DeSoโing for the past 679 days, without any pay, or any expectations of pay, other than a few early creator coin buys, diamonds received and NFTs sales. It was well worth it and such a great learning experience.
Today is bittersweet though. We knew that this day might end up coming, but had hoped it would not. We had planned to make these videos for the next 10-20 years โ really we did! However, with this latest bear market, things have changed. For the past 6-7 months we have been trying to raise NFTz funding but unfortunately were unable so far in this bearish climate.
While DeSo has been nothing but great to us in the two years or so weโve been here, we do feel that there have been some bumps along the way as we sought additional funding for NFTz. We wonโt get into the nitty-gritty details of it all, as the bear market has had its effects on a lot of things, but we do feel we were misled on several occasions. We feel the core team could do much more for developers and for the community who helped bring them to this point. We get it though; DeSo is hoping to find that next viral app that does for the blockchain what Bitclout did in the early days. It makes sense to some degree. If you just get one app to go super viral, all of the other apps on the chain suddenly become much less important. But what we donโt think that some on the core team realize is that community and reputation are a huge factor in future growth possibilities. If you get a bad reputation, thatโs hard to overcome. Weโve seen it with the early opponents of Bitclout calling it a scam, and we believe that DeSo is very close to manifesting its own reputation of not caring enough about community or developers. Weโve seen some things first hand, as has just about every other developer on this blockchain.
The core team is made up of great people and tremendous talent, so by no means is this a personal attack on anyone at Deso. If anything, itโs just friendly advice based entirely on our opinions and experience, which may or may not even be an entirely accurate account of the greater whole.
For now, we will be pausing our daily videos, as we have been feeling much less motivated to spend so much time here. With this said, however, we donโt plan to leave DeSo or give up on it. We love this community! We also donโt plan to sell any of our DeSo that we have on the actual platform or our creator coins anytime in the next several months.
NFTz.me and services will remain as is for now, and we still have some updates planned such as ETH support, saved preferences, 3D and more. We have funds to continue to run as is for quite some time while we are still trying to raise funding from elsewhere. If that does not succeed weยดll do everything possible to make sure nftz.me will keep running. We'll keep you updated about everything as we always have done. CheckBitclout will close down soon. While being pushed hard in its direction, we don't see OpenFund as a viable route to raise the funds we need. Nor do we feel legally secure in using it as a fundraising platform at this point in time.
(Continued in thread)
It would be nice to see content here that wasn't all about Deso. I mean, I know it's great to be excited about it and all, but sometimes it feels like I'm at a party where everyone talks about how great the walls look instead of what's going on outside.
@DeSoShopping update - the DAO members website and look behind the curtain at our new admin panel, plus discussion about our plans for 2023 - and our first DAO member distribution next week!
.. grab a coffee, it goes for 16 minutes or so... I did waffle on a bit, but I hope you enjoy! 1 take!
DAO members site: dao.deso.shopping
You can join the DAO by getting yourself some coins on OpenFund ๐ openfund.com/trade/desoshopping
@StarGeezer & @SeanSlater keeping my diamond balance alive ๐ you guys ๐ชจ๐ค
We wish everyone on DeSo a happy new year as we all look forward to 2023 - we have a feeling it's going to be a great year!
The Creator Coin to DAO coin redemption period is now finished and as such we have opened up our creator coin for investors again. All FR generated from the creator coin goes into the pool for DAO member distributions.
If you wish to join the DAO you can purchase DAO coins on the open market on @OpenFund ๐openfund.com/trade/DeSoShopping
More news to come during the week!
Happy New Year to the Australians of DeSo! Especially @SeanSlater may the diamonds rain on you as you rain on everyone else #2023
PS...go snag the double diamond NFT from Sean #worthit
With just under half an hour left in 2022 (for me at least), I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank everyone that makes DeSo so special.
I've enjoyed my 19 months here so much, such an unexpected discovery, but an amazing and welcoming community that I'm proud to be a part of.
A shoutout to @nader and the core team for building this place for us all, and a bigger shoutout to those that I now call friends.
On a personal level I'm really looking forward to a great year next year - both professionally and personally. I feel like this year has setup some amazing things that will happen in the new year and I'm looking forward to executing and exploring it all.
But what an amazing place we have here on DeSo, I look forward to building and creating with you all in 2023. Stay safe, enjoy and see you all in the new year!