@GoatInvesting is officially broke!
All money has been paid out. Thanks for joining us on this journey
@DeSoFeud Round 3: "Pick 3-5 of your favorite Long Term cryptocurrencies and why you believe they would succeed, and be good investments to hold."
Bitcoin - Even if the entire crypto market fell over, BTC would be the last one standing. It was also my first purchase back in 2013 - a small $20 purchase back then became $4000 and provide all the the funding I needed to get into DeSo. This feels like the safest long term bet, sure, the days of massive profit are probably gone, but you can't beat the original.
DeSo - "We're so early", but it's true. This feels like an opportunity to get in at the ground level. With so much potential it makes sense to have at least a few DeSo stashed away to see what the future may bring.
Arweave - I've watched Arweave closely over the last year and was lucky enough to buy a chunk before it jumped. It continues to impress me with how well the network adoption has been. I've since increased my holdings because I'm feel certain these utility provided (perm storage), is a game changer.
Apecoin - new to the scene but already making a splash, this could become the new status symbol in the market, just like the Bored Apes, holding and trading ApeCoin will be seen as a status symbol. My only concern is how much has been dropped for free. It will take some time for it to settle down, but if they can nail the strategy, a potential winner.
I say all of the above is from my high level interest in the scene, and not as investment advice. I'm enjoying watching the markets and learning from others. What I do believe is that we're on the edge of a new world of finance and I couldn't be more excited to watch it unfold.
Redemption has started for @GoatInvesting coinholders.
Send your coins back to @GoatInvesting for your claim on the treasury!
@MrSoze @HOSSwallet @ABThomsen @streeterberry @GamerJeff @biggiesmalls @CullenKasunic @smartalec @PhillyFaddist @gregbostrom @valeriaC @CloutCast @DanielKleinHoldings @Diamond_Hands_NZ @BrockMinert @Renovatio @Hud1984 @mcmarshWalletDOnotBUY @PatrickDev @RafaelEstrella @Theuns
With @GoatInvesting winding up - my coin is cheap right now!
5 stars, apparently! LOL
Today's Creator Coin Deals:
1οΈβ£ @nikmcfly
2οΈβ£ @SeanSlater
3οΈβ£ @smartalec
4οΈβ£ @moodygirl
5οΈβ£ @1dolinski
Get the full list at desodeals.com

GoatInvesting HODLers: Please read through full comments before deciding whether or not to sell.
Based on an unofficial vote on our Discord, the DeSo CC environment, and DAODAO changes I believe it is best we do a redemption and dissolve GoatInvesting.
I (@flanagan) have sold my coins in GoatInvesting so as to drop the value of selling GoatInvesting Creator Coin below the value of redeeming the coins against our treasury of assets.
To redeem, send your GoatInvesting coin to the GoatInvesting account and I will send the commensurate $DeSo back to you by 3/28. Alternatively, you can sell GoatInvesting coin but you will forfeit your portion of the treasury.
I will wait a week to give those less active on DeSo/Discord a chance to sell or send their GoatInvesting coins. After that, those users who have not taken any action will receive their portion of the treasury minus total locked value remaining of their coins.
Though I would've preferred a more democratic approach, given the dynamics of the bonding curve this is the best approach to an ethical dissolution IMO
The only consistent user from my BirthBlock.
On an auspicious day. Consistency pays off
Activity information for users born in BirthBlock #38187.
BirhBlock #38187 NFT is available for purchase π
π: diamondapp.com/nft/7fb97298dbe0cb621c2509f78a7dcad28a73393cb2ffca176e0dc6039dbc4018
β NOTE: Current usernames are used, from time of posting.
Users active within last week:
β @GoatInvesting activity: posting/commenting, socializing, DeSo/Creator Coin trading - πππ Congrats, you are the last one active from your block!!
No users active within last month π’
Users active within last three months:
@GoatInvesting posted and active socially, in trading and NFTs! - πππ Congrats, you are the last one active from your block!!
Activity types description:
β‘ Posting - post, repost, comment
β‘ Socializing: like, follow, DM, profile change
β‘ NFT: create, update, bid, accept bid, transfer, accept transfer, burn
β‘ Trade: bitcoin exchange, transfer DeSo, buy and transfer creator coin
β NOTE: Reserved profiles are not mentioned in inactive users.
The BirthBlock is the DeSo blockchain block in which your username was given during profile update - this is when you were "born" on the DeSo blockchain. Creation of your account (public key) was the "conception".
BirthBlock #38187 mined date: 29 Jun 2021, 17:26
Users born in BirthBlock #38187: 1 !
πΆπΌ @StonkMoments (#23184) β‘ (4 changes) β‘ TheSandMan β‘ GoatETF β‘ reborn as @GoatInvesting
BirthBlock #38187 metadata: the transaction statistics show the number of all transactions in a given block (first number), and incrementally from genesis block #0 (second number), at the moment the block was created. Numbers are for the whole DeSo blockchain, not per user.
β’ All transactions: 397 / 32.608.522
User transactions:
β’ Update profile: 2 / 798.762
β’ Submit post: 39 / 4.546.231
β’ Like/unlike: 137 / 7.680.469
β’ Follow/unfollow: 134 / 10.904.721
β’ Private message: 6 / 971.463
β’ Creator coin buy/sell: 5 / 3.519.922
β’ Creator coin transfer: 22 / 1.736.696
β’ Basic transfer: 51 / 2.367.584
β’ Bitcoin exchange: 0 / 43.880
β’ Authorize derived key: 0 / 0
NFT-related user transactions:
β’ Create NFT: 0 / 0
β’ Update NFT: 0 / 0
β’ NFT bid: 0 / 0
β’ NFT bid acceptance: 0 / 0
β’ NFT transfer: 0 / 0
β’ NFT transfer acceptance: 0 / 0
β’ Burn NFT: 0 / 0
Administrative transactions:
β’ Block reward: 1 / 38.188
β’ Update Bitcoin exchange rate: 0 / 41
β’ Update global params: 0 / 73
β’ Swap identity: 0 / 492
Geek info for DeSo blockchain block #38187:
β’ BlockHashHex: 000000000000deade3fd697bffae3699eaab2a6c3a5cf2be502026d125647fb8
β’ PrevBlockHashHex: 000000000000995141d4389de3641a825561497eef98d5eee8cc8f468fc3f6e0

CCs getting hit hard. HODLing.
We're here for the long-term.
We had a small profit of .21 $DeSo this week even with the dip in $DeSo and many CCs.
We will not be doing a profit NFT this week.
We have a great roster of CC investments that we fully expect to recover in the near-term.
We've just invested in @Metazens
We believe there is a lot of value in being one of the first cross-chain NFT projects on $DeSo
And an amazing team of OGs including @sull and @MeredithMarsone
β Register here MetazensNFT.com#whitelist
π For more info MetazensNFT.com#deso
π₯ Mint day Dec 11 π₯

At @GoatInvesting we mostly buy undervalued long-term investments. And it has been profitable.
Our understanding is the core team is considering a change to the bonding curve that would encourage these types of investments.
This would be great for @GoatInvesting but also for $DeSo as a whole.
Less trading. More Investing.