Appreciate everyone that decided to stop by for WHALE Hour just now.
Saw a bunch of familiar faces from Focus and enjoyed interacting with all of you live ❤️
What are some good games to play on windows PC for free? I've had tunnel vision for years and need someone to point me in the right direction in this realm as it changes rapidly and ratings are influenced monetarily. For instance, I'm downloading but have never played Rocket League right now that's how far behind I am...
Inching ever closer to 2 DeSo a day in staking and various other rewards, not bad at $8.
I am null, I was testing. So it sent the diamonds in DeSo to the wallet with no profile. Focus UI acknowledging the notification for the tx, but doesn't display a balance in
Only way to do this is using profile page diamond tip

Why waste the money?
Inequality is a feature of nature not a flaw. Equality is a flaw.
It's required to possess a natural resilience to change. Coral reef is an example of this inequality based resilience action in realtime. As water temperature changes and organisms die, the ones who lay dormant grow on top of them creating a sustainable ecosystem immune to disruptions. The reef survives as a whole.
If equality dictates the structure, it would all die at once after one season and be gone
I sent diamonds to Null 😂

@DegenDaily holders with 100+ tokens are the active wallets since focus launch.
There are about 900 people since focus launch.

Can focus sustain a memcoin even? 😂
What? You don't like my game?