
If you do this, aren't you afraid that Facebook and x will go bankrupt?


Been reviewing *a lot* of feedback on Focus. It's so amazing how this community has come together to help us build this thing. I really can't describe how grateful I am to everyone who put their time and energy into making this the best launch it can be.

I wanted to call out some specific people who wrote thoughtful pieces, and give my thoughts on them.

@Krassenstein many great posts from you guys, and a video as well. My biggest takeaways are as follows:

1. Pursuing exclusivity with Post to Earn is wrong. Others have echoed this and I agree. Instead, we should incentivize posting about Focus on other platforms. It sounds like requiring a pinned post would be sufficient in that case, but we could also require posting a focus.xyz link once a week (eg linking to a post on Focus). Curious if you have other thoughts on how to get the best "bang for our buck" for our Post to Earn.

2. We will definitely do a Space, maybe when we launch the reservation flow. I think it will be a lot of fun, and would love for you guys to join or even host if you're up for it!

3. You mentioned giving more Focus to people who have been on DeSo, and we are planning to do this. In particular, we plan on supporting a Join to Earn category that is specific to DeSo, so that people who have been meaningfully active fand that analyzes your or a long time get a reward as well.


@RobertGraham had a great thread here: diamondapp.com/posts/118edfff501145975d779aa74765f73db7c7131630f8105fe076fbb194f00c3b

My takeaways:

1. Be very clear about the 5% rev share. We will for sure.

2. Consider spreading the rewards more evenly. I think we can adjust the schedule to achieve this, and the proposed schedule was pretty good as well.

3. Again don't reward for exclusivity, echoing Krassenstein bros.

4. What happens if someone deletes a paid repost after taking the money? We thought about this, and we had two layers of preventing it:

- The first is that it shows up in their stats. Before making an offer you can see things like someone's "number of impressions per promotion" and even "view-wealth per promotion," which factors in the wallet balances of everyone who viewed their post. If they delete a repost, it will lower their stats accordingly so that their future offers will suffer.

- But more bullet-proof, and which we're also going to launch with, is just holding the funds for a day, and verifying the repost is still up before they can claim. I should edit the WP to indicate that this hold is there.

- Also just to add: We also considered allowing creators to charge "per impression" rather than per repost. This is arguably more efficient, since it aligns the advertiser with the creator better. But we felt it was too much "mental overhead" for the creator in the short-term. Still, nothing stops us from iterating in this direction over time. We just start with simplest first.

5. Mentioned we should give unlocked money to creators. We've noodled on this quite a bit. I think it could make sense to give a small amount, e.g. 1%, of each person's bonus in unlocked coins. But we have to be careful not to give too much or else it will result in dump potentially. We want to give enough to give them a "taste" of liquidity but not so much that they aren't aligned anymore.


@AlexValaitis had a great thread here: diamondapp.com/posts/53400443aab761cd436c46da12297076a8865da451f02ee81ee626546d74bbbd

Some takeaways and thoughts:

1. App is very "busy." We discussed this a lot internally, and discussed with creators as well, and we came to the conclusion that it's OK for the app to have a lot of "knobs" if 1. the onboarding is extremely straightforward and 2. the knobs are straightforward at an individual level. And I think you'll see this when we launch the demo of the app. Creators and consumers really just want *value* from their platform, and they're willing to put up with some business to get it. For example, it's better to support someone's use-case with an extra click than to not support it at all. BitClout was simple, yes, but it was so simple that people didn't have the features they needed to get long-term value out of the platform.

2. 1 year lockup is too aggressive, echoing RG. Our best solution to this so far is to have a very small percentage like 1% unlocked to give them a taste of liquidity. More than this feels too dilutive too early, and may make us give less away in rewards, which doesn't seem worth it. In addition, we were thinking that if it's trading on Openfund then people will know it's a real thing, even if their tokens are locked.

3. Moving on from BitClout branding. Yes this was a much-debated thing as well. Ultimately, we decided that while BitClout appealed to OG community, some people were turned off by it and we felt it's better to optimize for getting as many people as possible to "flip" to our side than to cater to OG nostalgia. It was a very difficult decision though, and we didn't make it lightly!


Can't forget about @HighKey and @darian_parrish. In their cases I responded in-line, since they replied directly to my thread. You can see their amazing feedback and my thoughts here:



If anyone has other thoughts, feel free to comment them below. I'm constantly reading through everything on DeSo and aggregating the feedback for the team.


First try with @DesoSnap

What do you thinking @striga ?

Image attached by @DesoSnap to a post