We found this little trail at Mahoney Bay.

This is the kind of silence I am looking for!!
$CockyClout is the future of France.
I just hope you guys don't bite off more than you can chew with Focus.
Half finished app releases and features that never get completed have certainly not helped DeSo's adoption.
I got worried again when I saw the messaging change to 'someone else can build a better Focus.'
We heard that with Bitclout Diamond Openfund and DCP. Nobody ever did.
🙏🏿💞🙌🏿✨💎🏁 #TheMarathonContinues
they'll get it one day
This is the kind of silence I am looking for!!
$CockyClout is the future of France.
I just hope you guys don't bite off more than you can chew with Focus.
Half finished app releases and features that never get completed have certainly not helped DeSo's adoption.
I got worried again when I saw the messaging change to 'someone else can build a better Focus.'
We heard that with Bitclout Diamond Openfund and DCP. Nobody ever did.
🙏🏿💞🙌🏿✨💎🏁 #TheMarathonContinues
they'll get it one day