
The win-win feature started with $DesoMonaLisa. The weekend auction marathon will continue!

$DesoMonaLisa Club Members

There are 3 more NFTs going up for auction!

Follow the announcements!


How Win-Win

Every week, 5 random @DesoMona NFTs will be removed from the sale.

The @DesoMona account will hold an auction marathon on the weekends with these 5 NFTs removed from the sale.

50% of the auction proceeds are invested in the collector's CC by @DesoMonaLisa. With the other 50% of the proceeds, $DesoMonaLisa CC is bought and half of this CC is sent to the collector as a reward.

Every month $DesoMonaLisa CCs are recalled and sold. The amount from the sale is sent to $DesoMonaLisa CC holders as a proportional DESO payment.

Since 23% of the @DesoMona NFT sales price has been distributed, (9% Creator - 9% Holder - 5% MintMachine) this format is valid for the remaining 77%.
