
I see something similar with DeSo Focus and openfund, that I saw when Bitcoin began. Tons join and try and use it and give up. You know how many people tried to mine Bitcoin and gave up? Started downloading a node and couldn't set it up? It 100% slowed adoption and had major price impacts. Then difficulty and transition from CPU to GPU caused a huge shift and even furthered the learning curve and increased entry level.

Now comparing to DeSo, we are seeing the same thing with Focus and openfund, it's basically social media and dex on steroids. Like GPU mining compared to CPU. And that is causing a curve. It is natural and you should buy the fucking dip in other words.

Another thing DeSo has that Bitcoin had, was market detachment. This day and age with all the saturation compared to how it was only stocks commodity and currency markets, that's more important now that it has ever been to be able to detach from the markets. It's one of deso's largest positive investment indicators also. 😉

