
There aren't enough new buyers in $FOCUS to depend on the Greater Fool Theory. Invest where others have conviction.

Look at the conviction of the $DEBEVIC community, and ask yourself, "Would my money be better in (xxy token), or in a token where over 40% of the entire circulating supply is burned or locked for 1 year?"

Of the 12 holders with 1,000+ $DEBEVIC, 7 are locking over 50% of their tokens for 1 year. Before you invest in another coin on Focus/OpenFund, look at how many of their top holders have their tokens locked. You will find that few (if any) have this level of conviction among top holders.

$AB Top 12 holders- 0 are locked

$WSB Top 12 holders- 0 are locked

Avoid the money grabs and invest in an active, growing community. Our conviction is so high that If you read this post and buy $5 or more of $DEBEVIC and lock it for 1 year, include a screenshot below, and I will send you $5 in $DEBEVIC that you can sell right away. If you believe in what we are doing, you can lock the free $5 and get a bonus surprise by putting the screenshot here.

image.png 92.6% locked for 1 year

image.png 53.4% locked for 1 year

image.png 70% locked for 1 year

image.png 71.9% locked for 1 year

image.png 65.7% locked for 1 year

image.png 54.7% locked for 1 year

image.png 72.4% locked for 1 year


Get an easy $0.01 Diamonds!!!


Here's How:

  • Like and Repost my X Post above
  • Repost this post on Focus.xyz
  • Comment something funny or clever on this post to try and make others smile.