8a54e4dd79853e356caccfe8c064325756359d2b016a39902dc7f23de1c5a241Mar 15, 2025, 06:54:14
Can $DEBEVIC's market cap ( currently $44K) flip $AB's market cap ($59K) by Monday, March 17 at 8pm UTC?
Guess correctly by Sunday, March 16, at 11pm UTC and win $0.25 Diamonds if you are correct on March 17 at 8pm UTC.
Rules of engagement:
- You must repost this post.
- You must write a 'yes' or 'no' in the comment section no later than March 16 at 11pm to qualify.
- Only one vote per user. If you vote twice, you are automatically disqualified.
On Monday at 8pm UTC, I will post the market caps and distribute rewards to whoever is correct.