That is because you only come here once in 2 weeks... and do not post a link to Focus in every post on X... so other people just do same thing... Make posts primary on @deso and on X post the beginning of the post with "Read more at..." at the end 😉
Things are quiet around here.... Wen excitement?
Phocus on Photography
Focus Day 58 photo: “Things Die But the World Still Goes On”
(Brazos Bend State Park. Needville, Texas)

Good morning! Smile! 😊

Lock 100,000 $poors for 8 days and you get 1,917.81 $poors coins as APY reward... no need to wait for a year 🫡
I am not sure if there is re-staking option available for regular tokens or this only works for $DESO staking at validators, need to investigate more about it...
Locking coins for short durations is only available via BitClout app right now, read more details at @poors account.
I am thinking about airdropping 100,000 $poors to this NFT holders so that's 1,000 $poors to each NFT holder, can be fun experience...
PS @mossified do you have any plans at all to respect APY points list and allow locking based on those points because right now @focus only shows hardcoded 1 year lock option?

I sold all my friends and family and put all my $DESO into $FOCUS reservation. This is the last post I can make since there is no money left to pay 0.0001 fee for post transactions... I also can't cancel $FOCUS reservation because no monies even to pay for that transaction 😭
Please, help 🙏

help me figure it out. i want to buy a @WhaleDShark coin from order book. i see the selling price $12.2 (screenshot 1) in order book, how can i buy for this price? if i choose market buy, then the price is $17.5 (screenshot 2) why? How is this works?

Phocus on Photography
Focus Day 57 photo: “Oh Nuts!”

„BRING IT NOW FOR GOD‘S SAKE!“ - „I‘ll be there in a moment!“
„…it certainly won‘t hurt..?“
(Frame 15, to be continued..)

Floral Fashion #017

Goodmorning Deso !
🤝 We made it easier to accept an NFT transfer. If you visit the NFT on and are connected you will see an Accept NFT Transfer button in the copies section. As shown in video and image. It will have a celebrate animation to make you aware and after you accepted the NFT.
Besides that you can accept NFT transfers in notifications under the transfers tab.
👀 Watch this space we'll soon make some announcements about @Dejak a new groundbreaking NFT concept from @metaphilosopher creator of @SharkGang