
Yes! This is amazing! I new you were doing some things with the DeSo community but I had no idea you were working on some projects!!! This is incredible! And the helpful advice is literally spot on! So funny great minds do think alike!!!! 🤣😁😍


I've been around (and writing a lot of words) since the very early days of DeSo. I like to get involved as much as possible.

Last year I was also a member of @DeSoVoices but that didn't really play out the way we'd hoped (although I went in with low expectations and looked at it as an experiment). I think the community DAO has more potential with respect to the way the mission has been structured and they way we are conducting things.

This whole experience is new to me. When I joined DeSo in late March 2021, I'd never had a personal voice on social media before. My dogs @Kiko are D-list celebs on IG and I'd mostly spent time behind their account and a few business accounts on Twitter. After I set up an account in my own name, at the encouragement of people I met very early on here and started sharing my thoughts, I was shocked at the response I got so I just ran with it. It's been a wild ride thus far!

I have a lot of constructively critical opinions of things I think could be improved but that's just part of caring about something.