Appreciate everyone that decided to stop by for WHALE Hour just now.
Saw a bunch of familiar faces from Focus and enjoyed interacting with all of you live ❤️
Phocus on Photography
Focus Day 56 photo: "Oh the Tangled Webs We Weave"
(Brazos Bend State Park. Needville, Texas)

Didn't see that coming 🙃
Starting in 30 mins ❤️
Wanna hear the voice behind the posts?
I'll be hosting WHALE Hour on the Whale Members Discord later tonight:
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with some of the projects I've founded, Whale Members is the largest community owned NFT collection with a focus on high-end digital art, metaverse real estate and other digital collectibles.
The latest valuation of these assets was conservatively estimated at $43.6 million:
$WHALE was the OG social token (i've been in the space a while) and has moved on to now representing ownership of the assets in the WHALE Vault.
We'll be going live at 9pm (+8 GMT) so if you're interested, feel free to drop by. Will probably be talking about some DESO and Focus in addition to a quick recap on the project as well as where we are headed ❤️
Happy Humppppppppp Day. Almost done with the week!
Busy day today with two BOD meetings and a monthly WHALE Hour session coming up.
While I can't bring ya'll to the board meetings, feel free to swing by WHALE Hour happening in about 4 hours.
Details on where to join are in my timeline <3
6 moar hours before Nyan Heroes Playtest 4 goes live for the broader community ❤️
If you enjoy Arena Shooters I'd definitely give this Web3 game a try. Available on Epic Games Launcher.
Not sponsored, I just enjoy the game 🐱
4 games 4 wins this afternoon.
First MVP of the day ❤️
Welcome to a beautiful day!