Be the Spark to Start the Fire
Be the Light in someone’s Darkest Hour
Stand tall yet Humble, Intentions so Pure
No Matter what Happens, Don’t give in to Fear
Fan the Flame and Watch it Grow
The Asleep will Awaken then all will Know
~AOK 2024
So, havent heard or seen anything from Deso in a hot minute and my Desofy app doesn’t work anymore.
Hey Deso fam, everything ok?
Hey #edm #dubstep #futurebass and #rave fam! I have a new track out with Kaos Kitty out on August 16th on Church Of Us Records.
This one means so much to us as we started making it a year after “family” tried to ruin our lives and made us homeless for a time. A year later, we are stronger than ever and wanted to make a song to move past the events created by those that wanted to do us harm. A mantra for those trying to let go of trauma, pain, suffering, people and experiences in their life that prevent them from being their best selves! Presave in link

Teaser for my new song with Kaos Kitty out August 16th on Church Of Us Records! Pre-save it here!
🍷🎉 2nd Anniversary activity info for users born in BirthBlock #148535 🍷🎉
BirhBlock #148535 NFT is available for purchase 😎
⚠ NOTE: Current usernames are used, from time of posting.
Users active within last week:
☀ @Agent_Of_Kaos activity: posting/commenting
Users active within last month:
🌤 @Jinsha activity: socializing
🌤 @Jinxiang activity: socializing
Users active within last three months:
⛅ @Agent_Of_Kaos activity: posting/commenting, socializing
⛅ @Qianzhou activity: socializing
Activity types description:
➡ Posting - post, repost, comment
➡ Socializing: like, follow, DM, profile change, associations
➡ NFT: create, update, bid, accept bid, transfer, accept transfer, burn
➡ Trade: bitcoin exchange, transfer DeSo, buy and transfer creator coin
⚠ NOTE: Reserved profiles are not mentioned in inactive users.
Users inactive within last three months - we believe you'll return to DeSo! 🥂
⛈ @bilyoner
⛈ @Jinshi
⛈ @Jishui
⛈ @JiulongXian
⛈ @Ryan258
⛈ @zerefix
💎 I am your DeSo Birth Certificate NFT 💎
The BirthBlock is the DeSo blockchain block in which your username was given during profile update - this is when you were "born" on the DeSo blockchain. Creation of your account (public key) was the "conception".
BirthBlock #148535 mined date: 20 Jul 2022, 18:35
Users born in BirthBlock #148535: 10 !
👶🏼 @Agent_Of_Kaos
👶🏼 @bilyoner
👶🏼 @Jinsha
👶🏼 @Jinshi
👶🏼 @Jinxiang
👶🏼 @Jishui
👶🏼 @JiulongXian
👶🏼 @Qianzhou
👶🏼 @Ryan258
👶🏼 @zerefix
BirthBlock #148535 metadata: the transaction statistics show the number of all transactions in a given block (first number), and incrementally from genesis block #0 (second number), at the moment the block was created. Numbers are for the whole DeSo blockchain, not per user.
• All transactions: 585 / 70.735.629
User transactions:
• Update profile: 30 / 1.418.532
• Submit post: 83 / 9.909.860
• Like/unlike: 112 / 22.224.073
• Follow/unfollow: 18 / 18.516.477
• Private message: 11 / 1.691.840
• Creator coin buy/sell: 3 / 4.958.878
• Creator coin transfer: 0 / 3.172.686
• Basic transfer: 285 / 7.057.644
• Bitcoin exchange: 0 / 43.880
• Authorize derived key: 1 / 38.740
• Messaging group: 0 / 187
NFT-related user transactions:
• Create NFT: 22 / 349.695
• Update NFT: 0 / 418.802
• NFT bid: 2 / 160.517
• NFT bid acceptance: 0 / 56.505
• NFT transfer: 9 / 89.524
• NFT transfer acceptance: 4 / 42.908
• Burn NFT: 1 / 27.821
DAO-related user transactions:
• DAO coin: 1 / 7.501
• DAO coin transfer: 1 / 379.596
• DAO coin limit order: 1 / 20.691
Administrative transactions:
• Block reward: 1 / 148.536
• Update Bitcoin exchange rate: 0 / 41
• Update global params: 0 / 92
• Swap identity: 0 / 603
Geek info for DeSo blockchain block #148535:
• BlockHashHex: 00000000000099b2969ce4f89ebbb852e0ef7a079fce4db4076cd9233d68aa91
• PrevBlockHashHex: 0000000000000359331a5915b5bd5d1baccdb97f201504a573924cc2ba8f6b9a
Photo by:

OMG I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE ONE OF THESE ON SPOTIFY!!! Especially as a newer producing artist!!!
🫵🏻 Hey You! 🫵🏻
Yeah you, you beautiful soul! Keep being awesome!!
Have a great week and remember to be kind when you can.
Also if you have 30 seconds, vote AOK for #americasnexttophitmaker
Hey you beautiful Deso people! I was selected for Rolling Stone Magazine’s “America’s Next Top Hitmaker” competition as a music producer. I know that its going to be tough to win, but I didnt start making music because it was easy. I cant win this by myself so if any of you have time to click the link and vote (can once a day) you could possibly help an artist trying to follow his dreams.🫶
Well I was selected for Rolling Stone’s - Americas Next Top Hitmaker contest for my music productions. Asking people to vote daily is a hard ask for me, but you can help an artist along his journey towards his musical dreams. 🫶
Much love to everyone and have a blessed week!

Just wanted to take a second and thank all 1400 people that have streamed my remix of Ray Volpe’s - Song Request remix in the first week its been out. Its a banger of a track and was fun to put my spin on it. I know those numbers are small to big names like him, to me, it means a lot. Thanks #edm fam! If you want to check the track out, the link is below!