Leading up to the focus launch, unleash market maker to let price fly.
Buy $deso with $btc from treasury to kick off price action.
Price flies right before launch, forcing price of $focus up. $focus incentives are crazy high.
Users flood in for $focus token incentives.
Users go up, $deso price goes up even more, even more users come.
Sell some $deso to recover $btc for treasury when the $deso price gets completely ridiculous.
Repeat for next hype moment.
This will work as long as the app is good. Funny to think many here are targeting $100 $deso as the destination.
This isn't advice, it's likely what will be done. And I'm here for it!

odd's are he's guilty af an has the money to have the accusers off'd an still walk free
I like his actor works !
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