It's been a hectic couple of weeks with the launch and V8SCOPS series entry period open for registration.

With Round 1 completing last weekend I can now happily report that the launch was a success with just shy of 200 paid entries processed in less than 2 weeks.

Everything worked as planned and some bonus on the fly feature enhancements to suit changing requirements along the way - all about the UX. I can enjoy a small period of calm now between events now - but we don't stop...

It's been a hectic couple of weeks with the launch and V8SCOPS series entry period open for registration.

With Round 1 completing last weekend I can now happily report that the launch was a success with just shy of 200 paid entries processed in less than 2 weeks.

Everything worked as planned and some bonus on the fly feature enhancements to suit changing requirements along the way - all about the UX. I can enjoy a small period of calm now between events now - but we don't stop building!

Below is the VF Commodore that I'll be racing in that support series - and while I may not have been as active recently here on chain, I'm always repping DeSo on track!

More photos from SeanSlater