One day, a hen was wandering around the farm, her mind on fire. She was bragging about her speed to all the other animals. "I'm the fastest in the whole coop!" she cried, flapping her wings. 
A rooster, amused by her claims, said, "Well, why not prove it? Let's race to the tree at the end of the field!" The hen, excited, accepted the challenge.
All the animals gathered to watch the race. At the starting gun, the hen took off like an arrow. But after a few meters, she realized she had forgotten t...

One day, a hen was wandering around the farm, her mind on fire. She was bragging about her speed to all the other animals. "I'm the fastest in the whole coop!" she cried, flapping her wings.
A rooster, amused by her claims, said, "Well, why not prove it? Let's race to the tree at the end of the field!" The hen, excited, accepted the challenge.
All the animals gathered to watch the race. At the starting gun, the hen took off like an arrow. But after a few meters, she realized she had forgotten to check if the tree was really there. Indeed, she rushed so fast that she ended up tripping over a pebble and falling into a pile of hay. The other animals burst out laughing!

The rooster, amused but sympathetic, approaches her and says, "Well, I think you've set a new record... the first hen to make herself comfortable in the hay before even reaching the tree!" The hen, a little embarrassed but still with her sense of humor, replies, "At least I'm the first one to find a good place for a nap!"

More photos from Malko23