Dobby (the one wearing a sweater) was quickly accepted in the family by the rest of our cats.
He was found by my husband on a street. I mean, it wasn't really hard to find him, because he was sitting in the middle of a lane, causing a traffic jam on the way to work. @dro0ps stopped his car on the road, picked up the poor creature and went straight to the vet. Dobby suffered internal injures, was covered in blood and dirt and was clearly in a lot of pain. After 2 weeks of seeing the vet daily, do...

Dobby (the one wearing a sweater) was quickly accepted in the family by the rest of our cats.
He was found by my husband on a street. I mean, it wasn't really hard to find him, because he was sitting in the middle of a lane, causing a traffic jam on the way to work. @dro0ps stopped his car on the road, picked up the poor creature and went straight to the vet. Dobby suffered internal injures, was covered in blood and dirt and was clearly in a lot of pain. After 2 weeks of seeing the vet daily, doctor said that we can let him out. It was not something we'd do - we believe cat's place is in a loving home, not in the streets. We tried to find his owners, and when it failed, find him a new home. Which obviously also didn't work out.
He's got really annoying at first, for me and our cats, because of unbelievably loud and frequent meowing. I don't know if it was because he was in pain or just his style of communication, but even other cats were so tired of this they would sometimes hit him in the head to make him stop 🫢
Having to keep him locked in the bathroom wasn't helping it, he constantly meowed for attention or to be let out of the bathroom. It wasn't possible at first because cats are not quick to accept strangers in their territory. They first have to get used to the scent of the new cat before they can see him, otherwise it will cause a lot of stress to them and can lead to a fight.
Luckily, not only he was accepted in no time, he really bonded with these two on the photo.
And they are a whole other story.

Posted via @desofy

Glad you were able to take care of him and that everyone is getting along 😃


Oh gosh. How many cats do you have? My family has 9 lol


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