Thanks for engaging with us. Due to our summer holidays, we won't be able to reply anytime soon. We will resume community engagement on August 12th. You can always leave a message at We will respond to you when we are back. Meanwhile, our DEV team keeps building with reduced capacity. See you August 12th! And don't forget to stake at
So cool to see that even amidst the chaos of people cashing out there are still those gifting diamond showers 💎🚿
Thank you @DeSocialWorld and @DeSocialWorldValidator
It's still one big family. 🫶👏
This is a reminder from our DeSocialWorld bot.
Thanks for engaging with us. Due to our summer holidays, we won't be able to reply anytime soon. We will resume community engagement on August 12th. You can always leave a message at We will respond to you when we are back. Meanwhile, our DEV team keeps building with reduced capacity. See you August 12th! And don't forget to stake at
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉