On December 8, 1980, just hours before his tragic death, John Lennon gave what would become his final interview. Speaking with Dave Sholin of RKO Radio, Lennon reflected on his life, career, and future endeavors. In hindsight, some of his lyrics seem eerily prophetic.
Lennon spoke optimistically about his new music and the direction he was taking. He had just released *Double Fantasy* with Yoko Ono and was excited about what lay ahead. He even dismissed the idea of nostalgia, stating, *"I consider my work not to be finished until I'm dead and buried, and I hope that will be a long, long time from now."*
However, there was a troubling moment when he discussed fame and the dangers it brought. He mentioned that people still saw him as a symbol rather than a person. He was aware of the obsession some fans could have, even mentioning the unpredictable nature of strangers who approached him.
Another chilling part of the interview was when Lennon was asked about his legacy. He replied: *"Leave me alone. I'm just a guy trying to do the best I can."* A statement imbued with humility and a strange sense of finality.
A few hours later, his life was tragically cut short in front of the Dakota. Since then, fans have looked back on this interview, wondering if Lennon had a premonition of what was coming.
On December 8, 1980, just hours before his tragic death, John Lennon gave what would become his final interview. Speaking with Dave Sholin of RKO Radio, Lennon reflected on his life, career, and future endeavors. In hindsight, some of his lyrics seem eerily prophetic.
Lennon spoke optimistically about his new music and the direction he was taking. He had just released *Double Fantasy* with Yoko Ono and was excited about what lay ahead. He even dismissed the idea of nostalgia, stating, *"I consider my work not to be finished until I'm dead and buried, and I hope that will be a long, long time from now."*
However, there was a troubling moment when he discussed fame and the dangers it brought. He mentioned that people still saw him as a symbol rather than a person. He was aware of the obsession some fans could have, even mentioning the unpredictable nature of strangers who approached him.
Another chilling part of the interview was when Lennon was asked about his legacy. He replied: *"Leave me alone. I'm just a guy trying to do the best I can."* A statement imbued with humility and a strange sense of finality.
A few hours later, his life was tragically cut short in front of the Dakota. Since then, fans have looked back on this interview, wondering if Lennon had a premonition of what was coming.