Hello Everyone! If you go to a community you manage, you will see a new icon next to each post, showing current moderation status. You can switch between "approve', 'remove', and 'spam'.
Please test it and let me know if it works. It should take few seconds to change the status, as it requires several reads and writes to the blockchain.
Posts will still be displayed in the community page. This afternoon will add functionality to hide them for non-moderators.
They will be hidden already on the feed section on the dredid.com main page.
Community moderation
Hello Everyone! If you go to a community you manage, you will see a new icon next to each post, showing current moderation status. You can switch between "approve', 'remove', and 'spam'.
Please test it and let me know if it works. It should take few seconds to change the status, as it requires several reads and writes to the blockchain.
Posts will still be displayed in the community page. This afternoon will add functionality to hide them for non-moderators.
They will be hidden already on the feed section on the dredid.com main page.
Have fun!
Join the discussion at dredid.com/d/dredid
Looks interesting! Can't wait to try it out. 😊👍