My 2023 summarised

πŸš€ Started the year with SheBuilds hackathon and won a prize in the Concordium track (Used Rust for the first time and loved it)

πŸš€ Participated in HackNSUT (which totally sucked), but teamed up with @ItsAditya and Bhawna irl, hacked and had fun, so it was a win πŸ˜‰

πŸš€ Visited IIT Roorkee for Cognizance and won an Intel OneAPI hackathon for writing a 36 line bash automation script 🀣

πŸš€ Somehow qualified for Gujarat Robofest (total disaster, we don't talk about this)

πŸš€ Vi...

My 2023 summarised

πŸš€ Started the year with SheBuilds hackathon and won a prize in the Concordium track (Used Rust for the first time and loved it)

πŸš€ Participated in HackNSUT (which totally sucked), but teamed up with @ItsAditya and Bhawna irl, hacked and had fun, so it was a win πŸ˜‰

πŸš€ Visited IIT Roorkee for Cognizance and won an Intel OneAPI hackathon for writing a 36 line bash automation script 🀣

πŸš€ Somehow qualified for Gujarat Robofest (total disaster, we don't talk about this)

πŸš€ Visited IIT Guwahati where we won GCON Vegathon

πŸš€ Went back home and started, recently we sold a bunch of anime merch at a local comic convention πŸ˜‰

πŸš€ Launched a mobile app which we called Class Compass, with a batchmate this turned out to be a bit more liked by other students than we expected (really shitty app tbh)

πŸš€ Won 2nd place in a college hackathon (Hack-O-Octo) where we met Prasan from Arweave and went into an Arweave rabbit hole πŸ‡

πŸš€ Continued to do a whole bunch of hackathons, workshops and built a ton of projects, who cares about college academics lol
- Polkadot ink hackathon
- ETHOnline (won tableland prize pool)
- ICP workshop + Crewsphere: ICP.Hub India hackathon (2nd again)
- Another college hack which totally sucked πŸ˜†
etc etc

πŸš€ Got accepted into NASA Cansat Competition 😳
πŸ“‘ πŸ›°οΈ
My dream of building cubesats is becoming real by developing cansats lol

πŸš€ Ended 2023 with the fantastic Arweaveindia hackerhouse at Draper Startup House Bangalore and won the grand prize
It was wonderful
(ToTaLLy dID nOt mIsS mY CoLLeGe eNd sEm ExAm, aBOuT wHicH i sTiLL dOnT kNoW wHaT wiLL hApPEn)

and that was a small fraction of all the stuff I happened to do during the past one year.
A whole bunch of stuff happened that did not go well, things got messed up a lot, did not want to work, stayed in bed all day or stayed up all night, then slept peacefully during class (best)

This year has been bearable, all thanks to my peers, college mates, online friends, hostel mates, people I met at events and ofc my family.
There sure were dark and sad times along the way, but that's a part of life.
Hope to do better in the coming days.
Thanks y'all



Well done πŸ‘πŸ»


More photos from weeblet