/ T E Z O S + A I /
1/2 💈
In IF … AI Collection on @objktcom, Exploring slightly probable moments during important events in History
▫️ Ich bin ein Berliner - The cup of tea▫️ Zorba the Greek, Basil & the green rock▫️ Texan Cowboy & Cuban Guajiro
▫️ The boys - Sollemnitas togae puaue▫️ Zamore et Mirza by Olympe de Gouges▫️ Mozart the Egyptian▫️ The soldiers, Heinrich and François
🔗 objkt.com/explore/tokens/1?faContracts=KT1J4SP4gZPK1spJdnxNWjLS59rSF2S4aUNF
/ T E Z O S + A I /
1/2 💈
In IF … AI Collection on @objktcom, Exploring slightly probable moments during important events in History
▫️ Ich bin ein Berliner - The cup of tea
▫️ Zorba the Greek, Basil & the green rock
▫️ Texan Cowboy & Cuban Guajiro
▫️ The boys - Sollemnitas togae puaue
▫️ Zamore et Mirza by Olympe de Gouges
▫️ Mozart the Egyptian
▫️ The soldiers, Heinrich and François
🔗 objkt.com/explore/tokens/1?faContracts=KT1J4SP4gZPK1spJdnxNWjLS59rSF2S4aUNF