One day, a man entered a bakery with a very serious expression. He approached the counter and said to the baker: "Hello, I'd like a baguette, please."

The baker, a little surprised by the man's solemn tone, replied with a smile: "Of course! A really crispy one for you."

The man nodded and added: "But be careful, I don't want it too crispy!" Intrigued, the baker asked: "Why not too crispy?"

The man then leaned toward him and whispered: "Because the last time I had a baguette that was too crisp...

One day, a man entered a bakery with a very serious expression. He approached the counter and said to the baker: "Hello, I'd like a baguette, please."

The baker, a little surprised by the man's solemn tone, replied with a smile: "Of course! A really crispy one for you."

The man nodded and added: "But be careful, I don't want it too crispy!" Intrigued, the baker asked: "Why not too crispy?"

The man then leaned toward him and whispered: "Because the last time I had a baguette that was too crispy, it made such a noise when it broke that my dog ​​thought an intruder had entered the house and started barking like crazy!"

The baker bursts out laughing and replies, "Then I'll make you a perfect baguette, just crispy enough not to scare your dog!"

The man smiles and says, "Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted! And if I ever get any unexpected visitors, I'll know what to do!"

More photos from Malko23