Watching “Joker” I noticed a striking resemblance between his journal of insane ramblings and my own collection of totally rational prose. My ex girlfriend always said that I was a twisted, pathetic loser who should be locked up or at the least, never allowed to practice medicine and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be allowed around children (or the elderly) and that in her opinion (double PhD in forensic psychology) that I was almost 100% guaranteed to “snap” one day, and she’d actually be worried if I wa...

Watching “Joker” I noticed a striking resemblance between his journal of insane ramblings and my own collection of totally rational prose. My ex girlfriend always said that I was a twisted, pathetic loser who should be locked up or at the least, never allowed to practice medicine and DEFINITELY shouldn’t be allowed around children (or the elderly) and that in her opinion (double PhD in forensic psychology) that I was almost 100% guaranteed to “snap” one day, and she’d actually be worried if I wasn’t such a pathetic and inept pindick. She would usually then go on to enquire, “I mean does it even qualify as a penis, technically, at that size?” She once introduced me to one of her cousins as “the most convincing, living argument for late term abortion” that she’d ever met. Well Vanessa, who’s (involuntarily) laughing now? My notebook is a movie star!

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