"Everyone knows the dice are loaded Everyone's rolling with their fingers crossed Everyone knows the war is over Everyone knows the good guys lost Everyone knows the fight was rigged The poor stay poor, the rich get richer That's just the way it is Everyone knows
Everyone knows the ship is leaking Everyone knows the captain lied Everyone feels that broken pain As if their father or their dog just died Everyone's talking to their wallet Everyone wants a box of chocolates And a long-stemmed rose Everyone knows..."
"Everyone knows the dice are loaded
Everyone's rolling with their fingers crossed
Everyone knows the war is over
Everyone knows the good guys lost
Everyone knows the fight was rigged
The poor stay poor, the rich get richer
That's just the way it is
Everyone knows
Everyone knows the ship is leaking
Everyone knows the captain lied
Everyone feels that broken pain
As if their father or their dog just died
Everyone's talking to their wallet
Everyone wants a box of chocolates
And a long-stemmed rose
Everyone knows..."
~ Leonard Cohen, *Everybody Knows*