🔴 The Weight of Resentment Once upon a time, there was an ant carrying a huge wild fruit. Along the way, a beetle blocked her path, mocking her burden and her work. This was not the first time he had acted this way.
The ant ignored his taunts, went around the beetle, and continued on her way. A few days later, the beetle found himself trapped in the sticky resin of a tree and called for help.
Many animals, tired of his mockery and bad manners, ignored him. However, the ant offered him a long blade of grass, allowing the beetle to free himself from the resin.
Grateful, the beetle asked her why she had helped him despite his constant mocking. The ant replied:
"I can carry up to twenty times my own weight, but there is a burden that is too heavy for me to carry and that I neither can nor want to bear: resentment. That’s why I make sure never to let it weigh me down, as I need that space to carry things essential for my survival."
The beetle, very embarrassed, then changed his attitude. Always remember that holding onto resentment is like grasping a hot coal without letting go: you are the one who gets burned.✍️✍️✍️
🔴 The Weight of Resentment
Once upon a time, there was an ant carrying a huge wild fruit. Along the way, a beetle blocked her path, mocking her burden and her work. This was not the first time he had acted this way.
The ant ignored his taunts, went around the beetle, and continued on her way. A few days later, the beetle found himself trapped in the sticky resin of a tree and called for help.
Many animals, tired of his mockery and bad manners, ignored him. However, the ant offered him a long blade of grass, allowing the beetle to free himself from the resin.
Grateful, the beetle asked her why she had helped him despite his constant mocking. The ant replied:
"I can carry up to twenty times my own weight, but there is a burden that is too heavy for me to carry and that I neither can nor want to bear: resentment. That’s why I make sure never to let it weigh me down, as I need that space to carry things essential for my survival."
The beetle, very embarrassed, then changed his attitude. Always remember that holding onto resentment is like grasping a hot coal without letting go: you are the one who gets burned.✍️✍️✍️