Please join our weekly @safetynet meeting:

Meeting Details:	
•	Date: Sunday, February 16nd, 2025
•	Time: 20:00CET
•	Attendees (listed below):

1.	Opening

2.	Confirming Previous Meeting Minutes

3.	Meeting & Greeting New Attendees

4.	Finances on ramp

Stripe app is put together. Phil will carry on

5.	Server Status Reports (Validator, Consensus, Tech and Oracle)

Consensus was down Tech is down, and not accessible bloke will look at it
Status pages are availabl...


Please join our weekly @safetynet meeting:

Meeting Details:
• Date: Sunday, February 16nd, 2025
• Time: 20:00CET
• Attendees (listed below):

1. Opening

2. Confirming Previous Meeting Minutes

3. Meeting & Greeting New Attendees

4. Finances on ramp

Stripe app is put together. Phil will carry on

5. Server Status Reports (Validator, Consensus, Tech and Oracle)

Consensus was down Tech is down, and not accessible bloke will look at it
Status pages are available (Carry2web) change channels on TG (@Stargeezer) Notifications @everyone
@Octavie will be given an introduction to the servers. Adding to group secure: @stargeezer @octavie (root server access)
GraphQL will be added at a later date.

• DB optimalization is needed. @moggel could possibly be of assistance. (appointment in the works?)

6. Legal Entity Update

@carry2web notary is underway in February

• Foundation draft will be made within four weeks (last week Feb.) Waiting for documentation

7. Communication

7. Whatever comes to the table
Storage WP will be drafted we be delayed.
Marketing Wednesday 20:00 (was skipped)
Storage meeting at end of February
Migration tools for ccv1-2

8. Closing

@stargeezer, @ouwepiet, @diamondthumb, @nathanwells, @carry2web, @LeilaThigpen, @thisdayinmusichistory, @elizabethtubbs, @octavie, @stevonagy, @that70srobot, @a_bloke, @studio_richards @mcmarsh, @arnoudvanderplas, @1dolinski, @edokoevoet, @erwinwillems, @mvanhalen, @nftvanhalen, @metaphilosopher @nader @mossified @Arnoud

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