Hi, DeSo, I missed you! I was an official DJ of Quantum Web3 Conference in Miamiπ€ Also presented my Crypto Rave project to the most dedicated crypto enthusiasts and finally realised that my music can be a great tool which can make a big contribution to mass adoption!
Hi, DeSo, I missed you! I was an official DJ of Quantum Web3 Conference in Miami π€ It was incredible sharing my Crypto Rave project with passionate crypto enthusiasts. My music has potential for mass adoption! LOVE πΆ
Hi, DeSo, I missed you! I was an official DJ of Quantum Web3 Conference in Miamiπ€ Also presented my Crypto Rave project to the most dedicated crypto enthusiasts and finally realised that my music can be a great tool which can make a big contribution to mass adoption!
#nader #deso #krassenstein #diamond
Love it. Welcome back!
Hi, DeSo, I missed you! I was an official DJ of Quantum Web3 Conference in Miami π€ It was incredible sharing my Crypto Rave project with passionate crypto enthusiasts. My music has potential for mass adoption! LOVE πΆ