~240 BTC withdrawn from the treasury for the first time in years. What mean?

Even these mfers came back
@NebulaPenguin16 and @HarmonicMongoose96 are the same person.
Don't know if this was raised but you can't "Buy on openfund" from deso page.
Would be nice, since deso shows in the Top Tokens on the right.

Reading the Focus TG feeling sorry for Moss, it's 1v30 with random fights between users after a couple of messages
The album is good but not a 5 year wait and 3 delays good.
Will be listening for the next 10 years though.
There's a DeSo comparison here somewhere.
If I post less it's because Playboi Carti dropped
If I post less it's because Playboi Carti dropped
This is a scammer, the same person runs @Focus_News
Do not engage or buy tokens
I didn't think you'd miss me haha @justincredible

Anyone seen a Nader "viewed your post" notification lately?
Anyone seen a Nader "viewed your post" notification lately?