this is some short little song/video i made to comment on some "keep clicking" meme thing's tweeter account for solana
one of my first songs made w help of robot friends.
"easy as sharky dot fi"
"so long solana" with lyrics by me, singing and most video clips by special robot friends. ty robot friends.
ooh i bet @SolanaKiller might like this one? i dunno, i just tagged u for fun.
imagine for a moment we live in future, when turning on tv or any kind of media presents us with advertisements for individual cryptocurrency tokens!
it's a silly little video i made this morning to use just as a comment on tweeter.
but since my @focus video flopped i will stick to solana stuff again for at least the forseeable future! i have another one, i guess the phrase is like "in the can" or something, about solana and meme tokens. about the death of solana. (but rly hopefully just more about meme tokens dying and going away since they're a poison on crypto)
okay but could u start back at the beginning and catch me up on this whole blockchain thing plz
This was my initial live reaction to the launch of Openfund V2
"coins & code" a song by @kitty4D - lyrics by me, music and video produce by me, singing and clips by special robot friends, ty robot friends
lyrics in comments. @nader @mossified
this is a special premiere of new video for FOCUS, i have not tweetered it yet so this is truly special event.
"solana culture" - if u don't know solana though, this might not rly make sense to u
u can't see all the culture on solana
cuz u can't make it but we gonna
it's hard to see for that quant like urs
lacks emotional quotient so take ur place w the poors
we're smoking raydium orca
and cruising down meteora
i am ur pumpfun bitch
i'll swap ur ass on jupiter ya
light up our meme tokens smokin'@madlads
lads can't get any hotter
tensor is drifting zeta and
kamino's str8 bonking ur daughter
marinading mangos right out our backpack
flux off phantom go bang slope in a shack
got our solflares out,
can't see in the $shdw
we'll feed ur quant to sharky
and send ur ass to cardano, bitch
now i'm just gonna post this as-is, but, i'm thinking the video is gonna be hidden behind a show more link? am i crazy or is there no way now to create threaded posts on focus?? cuz i would have put the lyrics in the 2nd post so that i wouldn't block out the video but i'm just going with it now to show a problem if it truly is a problem. also i want to note that my add a post modal window now has 2, count them, 2 scrollbars. that's 2 many.
first off, whoever decided to have separate buttons for repost and quote repost, that sucks and yes i know mb i can use the feedback link
but this was a great excuse to upload this segment of my thrilling third installment of my POKEDAO FIRE TRILOGY so ty @HighKey
we're still ragin' baby!
YES we will be launching a coin
YES it will be very beneficial for holders
my latest video, "CATSTANBELIEVE ME (2025)" - i hope u enjoy it <3
i should rewrite some of this but eh. i've got two other songs i need to make videos for.
but now for focus, de-so-lusional by me and robot friends.
i know, eclon is a terrible tryhard wannabe 4chan troll w lot of money & has bought some good things, run many into ground (boring!). but crypto ppl still seem big into tweeter & besides deso, it's the only social media site i can stand
had my 1st tweet that went viral ig last month & now i get way more engagement. didn't think it was special but the views kept going up. so i've been there a lot more cuz ppl now see me & engage, come say hi sometime.

if u are here for the community and to chat, cool
if u are here to make money, well, i cannot say what is best for u but i do wonder if u have ever done anything on any defi dapps on other chains before.
u don't owe anything to anyone here. (in fact in most cases it is probably the other way around) don't just choose not to look around just cuz u feel like you already put so much into things here. u can still be early.
can u believe this, the one and only RAZZLEKAHN has followed me and retweetered me over on the tweeters

i made this thing a long time ago, it was unfinished. i didn't exactly finish it but i tweaked it a little bit and well, enjoy it or not, it is what it isn't and time flies love to eat bananas

here's me playing around in the focus admin, in video format, since videos are not uploading on focus atm
i guess i can link to this now in a post on focus.