A Crocodile made of towels, left by the hotel staff.

I can't express myself how stupid this is.. You can make a post without text if you attach image... so instead of updating DeSo backend in a way that you can attach audios in a same manner as you attach images and videos they write audio data into PostExtraData and now because they want it to look like this is only attached audio they putt [[[audio-only]]] as post text, but hide it on Focus app side, otherwise post wouldn't get posted, and this again messes all other existing @deso apps.
If I was @nader I would probably kick @mossified ass for this. I repeat.. this is so stupid.. Instead of adding AudioURLs to a post, same as VideoURLs or ImageURLs... they make this shit... Shame on you @LazyNina for letting this happen.
PS Check @JordanLintz post at any other app, no @focus

starting to lean towards this whole year may be hard to trade, pure chop, 1-4 day moves, and back to random price action.
Over the past month, 24,421 Bitcoin have left exchanges, outpacing the 13,500 newly mined coins. 👀

“The Lion of Munster”, Clemens August Graf von Galen, the German Count and Roman Catholic Bishop who stood up to Hitler (c. 1940)
Comment in -> https://noshitblog.com/history/dv_EpZF

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