What are you passionate about and would like to see as a community you could participate in on DeSo?
Anything from chatting about DeFi to learning how to get better at chess?
Looking to chat with community owners and builders about the future of @mityxyz.
👋 Are there any DeSo-ers that run online courses OR have an interest creating one?
Would love to chat.
👉 🧐
2. ✍️
3. 👨💻
4. 🚀
Interested in getting some feedback from DeSo users.
If you were to use a community based app built on DeSo would you rather it was designed for private or public communities?
Helpful for @mityxyz planning
Would be nice to see nodes integrate the much loved joined/birth date on user profiles.
Not just a flex for OG's but a nice touch in general that can tie into other features.
Played around with it in a @mityxyz design update.

Is this the kind of Focus we are thinking 🤔

Love this!
Where would you travel if you were a digital Nomad?
Hello Travelers on DeSo
I'm together with my wife exploring the world in a Dodge RAM ♈ 4x4 expedition truck. Working as digital Nomad (as it does not run on water))
Love the freedom, meeting different cultures.
Hope to see more posts here soon.👋
Join the discussion at mity.xyz/p/WB-Ivhiwa

Another day, another feature idea.
Post Hide. Hide low quality, uninteresting posts.
Downvoting works for discussions but seems harsh for posts. Hide indicates you’re not interested without saying it’s not good.
Brings an extra boost when algo based feeds come in. Hide's knock down the score, showing posts to less users, acting as a disincentive to use low effort poor quality templates such as mass tagging and simple thanks messages.

@mityxyz is neat AF! Can’t wait for their new update :) It’s one of the great DeSo web app!