This is amazing man! Answers embedded below:
> 1) Is the 5% revenue share for a referral in perpetuity? It was clear the 10% was just of the signup bonus but since there was no timeframe for the rev share assuming it is in perpetuity without additional clarification.
It's mentioned in the WP in the "Splitting Fees with Creators" that it's *at least* one year after time of referral, but after that it's up to the discretion of the dev team. We'll make this more clear when we launch.
> 2) Are referral codes launching on the 11th or only after the app launches? It would seem the 11th so everyone isn't disincentivized to invite people during the fair launch.
No, only when the app launches. But referring someone to DeSo now won't affect the referral mechanics! I've seen this misconception elsewhere and just want to correct it. Even if someone is already on DeSo, if they join Focus from your referral link with an *existing* DeSo wallet, you'll still get 10% of their Join to Earn and 5% of their Focus revenue. Lmk if this doesn't make sense.
> 3) Willing to add any more details on the decreasing function of the discount after the first week? Even broadly like is it most similar to linear, stepwise, exponential decay, etc.?
More linear. The only reason it's not fully concrete yet is because we don't have a date set for app launch. But it'll be something like "a fixed % per week up until app launch." We're not trying to make it super aggressive, more like a gentle nudge to be early.
> 4) Why no developer grant / dev incentive allocation? Leaving this to the DeSo foundation? You/Ed have mentioned the challenges of managing this but still seems like a strange omission for an ecosystem token launch but it the context of Focus being an app and DeSo the ecosystem would make sense.
I'm not sure what you mean here. Do you mean allocating $FOCUS tokens to give to devs building other products? We see Focus more as an app, albeit a very significant one, with DeSo being the underlying platform. So it would be the DeSo team's role to incentivize more building. That said, we feel the best way to get strong devs building on DeSo is to draw a lot of users/wallets with an app like Focus.
> 5) Post2earn incentives dollar amounts mentioned seem relatively small in relation to other airdrops. I think just an example and maybe you can provide more context how these might adjust to the upside if reservation amount is large? We know how it would scale if fixed percentage but because there is some discretion with this there is a bit more uncertainty.
Good point. We can add more examples of how much more we can spend as Focus grows. That said, our goal isn't to give away lots of money on incentives indiscriminately. Instead, we're more of a "zero based budgeting" approach where we consider how much activity we want to incentivize, and then consider the minimum-cost way to do that. If that results in a much more efficient airdrop than other platforms, that's a good thing in our view, and means more value for token-holders. In contrast, I think other protocols over-dilute because they start with an amount they want to give away and work backwards from that.
> 6) Will $FOCUS be swapped to pay txn fees so user really doesn't need any $DESO at all? I'm not asking this out of concern for $DESO demand, more about UX and txn volume increase from all the swapping. Follow-up, will $FOCUS be the currency of tips or diamonds?
We're planning to have all fees paid in DESO. That said, HeroSwap will support a very simple FOCUS<>DESO conversion at any time so it shouldn't be an issue. The Focus wallet has FOCUS, DESO, and USDC as options for both payment and conversion. Attaching an exclusive screenshot for you.
> 7) Are the subscriptions / unlockable content using a new DeSo on chain primitive or only possible within Focus?
They're using Access Groups, an awesome new primitive that currently powers You can learn more about them here:
Our goal is that anyone can build an equivalent app with all the same data because everything is on-chain.
> 8) Paper states locked bonus tokens are issued & distributed at launch - do those sit in the same user wallet as the unlocked tokens? Will incentive locked tokens be issued & distributed right at time of earning? Meaning it would be easy to see a creators earnings in their wallet(even though locked)?
Yes to all of those questions. Locked tokens are distributed to the same wallet, as are incentive tokens. Earnings will be public, and we will even have an earnings explorer that lets you see which creators are earning the most and what activities are the most profitable.
> 10) Is PoS launching before Focus and will staking DeSo(true staking - not reservations) be possible before Focus launch?
Yes PoS is launching right before Focus, and with it true staking. Users will have to choose how much to allocate between staking and Focus.
> 11) When reserving with other cryptos(BTC,ETH,SOL) will Heroswap fees be refunded if they refund the reservation? May be hard to do but just trying to understand the "risk-free" nature of this on a DESO basis if fees are lost on both directions that is a risk but could be somewhat known. Just need to manage expectations.
When you reserve, you choose a reservation currency. If you choose DESO, as is recommended, your ETH/BTC/SOL/whatever is converted to DESO on-the-spot at the time of reservation. Your subsequent refund would then be DESO, which you could convert back to BTC/ETH/SOL using HeroSwap.
> 12) Will there be any manual review for social airdrop in edge cases? For example, someone has a huge podcast but it is only on Spotify and their other socials don't reflect that?
Yes, it will all have a manual review step, and we will be able to set bounties on people manually. In that case, we would need to be aware of them and manually set a bounty.
> 12) Final one - not specific to papers. Any IRL events planned for a Focus launch tour(even if later like Mesarri Mainnet)?
Messari is in the Fall, which is a long time from now but they've reached out to us about speaking there again and we plan to do it. We're also looking at other events.


should i relax for a few months then work or start working immediately... cos im very tired from the past few years juggling full time studies and part time work
guys do y'all work after grad
i just think he gave up because i'm very confrontational towards him + ya you're right i'm basically graduated now
nope, even before i graduated i already addressed that my course chair was aware of this channel since 2023 and that anons were sending him complaints. he's talked to me about this multiple times already

throwback to when my course chair found out about this channel and i replied him with this (he ghosted me after this lol)

the difference between me and them is that they prefer to remain anonymous to avoid consequences while my identity is open to everyone because im not afraid of consequences 😬😬
ya la thats why i said most of the anons are hypocrites