
I can't agree more. If you really believe that DESO is going to be the Bitcoin of Social, why the f*** would you put all your funds (including those you got by selling the same tokens at 10x the current price when DESO was 10% of what it is today) into BTC? You really did rip off these MOFOs (oops that's us).

Just beats me. Having said that if the sellers wants to exit at 14-15, maybe it is better they exit now so we have more diamond hands come in and hold/stake.

Maybe start buying the dips as the sellers sell ... at some point. And what if Nader is already doing this and thinking to himself, these idiots think they are smarter than me.


The Deso Foundation needs to be putting as much thought and strategy into the DESO token itself as it does for its killer-app Focus.

This is about as elementary as it gets. Much easier than writing groundbreaking code.


Great to see Nader throw $100k of his personal fortune at the market the other day. I respect it. But the fact is the Deso Foundation is sitting on $160m of BTC it collected from selling DESO tokens much much higher than these current DESO prices. And $20m + of USDC.

It should be buying these tokens aggressively … stockpile them for ecosystem funds … create incentives for community members and future community members. It’s the only “AMM” that matters right now… its own DESO token market - the lifeblood of the network. the Foundation sold at least $150m of DESO at far higher prices than current market price.

Be willing to spend $16m to buy 1 million DESO at $16 on Coinbase… put a $16 bid in the book for 250,000 tokens. Watch people race to buy in front of that order. Watch what happens when the public sees that support.

There are many many token holders who feel it is a slap in the face for the Foundation to have collected all these funds selling DESO tokens in the original bonding curve while we’ve been dumped on by the funds with insider access between $0 and $30 on the bonding curve.

Show the support. It will go farther than you know.

And you’ll still have $160m + of runway. Good for 15 years.


thank you for bringing up this idea. take a look at this tweet

people have had it with the lack of price action


Are you suggesting they should manipulate the market? 😆
I don’t understand why everyone is upset about the coin price? Artificial price pressure has a lot of dangers involved.

When DeSo becomes adopted more widely, the DeSo tokens will be needed by everyone involved.

If it is successful, more people are going to buy $DeSo then $BTC. Everyone uses social media of some form.

There is less $Deso in existence than $BTC… which when you do the maths, is going to be quite the profit for everyone involved who was in it for the vision, not just a quick profit.

Everyone posting right now are essentially working for a form of “sweat equity” like is common in startups. The equity pays off if we are all successful together.

I’m in it for the organic price and authentic use case. If they can’t nail that, I don’t want to make money off it. 🤓

(If you invested more then you could afford to hold onto long term, then I understand the fear and frustration… but that’s kinda on us not DeSo. Big rewards come with big risk and we all should know this project has huge risk/reward attached.)


We wouldn't be this upset if we and those we told to buy didn't buy at higher prices. Now someone who had the advantage to buy cheaper is selling while we all are hostages to $Focus reserves and no marketing to attract new buyers.


It seems there goal is for it to be low DeSo price for focus launch.

Regardless we know the vision and can look at this as opportunity to accumulate which we will continue to do
